• "This program should help a lot of people. I wish when I was in high school there had been something like this to help me." Student at San Antonio College
  • "Well, I found that I have definitely chosen the correct career to pursue. I guess the most interesting/surprising thing was how accurate the outcome of this test really was!" Job Seeker at San Bernardino Employment & Training
  • "My personality type is exactly as others have previous described me to be. Also, my career goals match the proposed occupations, which make me feel that I have made the right decision and is very fulfilling." Student at Louisiana State University

Immediately engage online student visitors.
Who can resist learning more about themselves?

What are visitors to your website trying to decide? It is a good guess they want to know if your college has the program that will meet their needs. But how do they find out?

They could scroll through all your programs in a hit or miss fashion but that is not very helpful and results in them bouncing away to look at other things. After all, you only have a few minutes to engage them in something they find interesting and useful.

This is where the Find Your Match Program comes into play. Your visitor completes our TypeFocus assessment and immediately receives a summary of their personality strengths and the careers associated with them. And those strengths and careers can be linked your programs!

You may wonder if completing a personality profile can result in meaningful career advice. The answer is a resounding yes! TypeFocus has been providing this type of online support to professional career counselors in offices all across North America since 1997. The TypeFocus Type Indicator is a validated, psychometrically sound personality indicator that draws on 50 years of personality and careers research.